The Eco-Adventure Series: Out There, Somewhere
Copyright 2016 John Morano • All rights reserved
Out There, Somewhere is in its third printing with an introduction written by Roger Rufe, President and CEO of Ocean Conservancy, and beautiful illustrations by artist Sarah Anderson. Morano sets his third eco-adventure in SeaTopia, a large aquarium built on a Florida beach. The story traces the lives of several residents; a dolphin family, a turtle, a stargazer, an angelfish, a manatee, an octopus and a coelacanth, among others... How they came to SeaTopia, what they've left behind, what their daily life in a tank is like and what their hopes are for tomorrow, are all discussed through the course of the story.
The director of the aquarium, several staff members, a special little girl and a group of biologists very interested in the captured coelacanth also play important roles in the book. Expect to see two or three characters from previous novels return in Out There, Somewhere. Gilgongo from A Wing and A Prayer and a young octopus who remembers life on Makoona might make an appearance. Perhaps there will also be a human visitor from Makoona.
No matter what happens or who appears in Out There, Somewhere, you can rest assured that Morano will be building the story around issues of habitat depletion, unwise environmental practices and the concerns of wildlife species.
"... delightful... powerful... perfect... good science within a clever story."
-Dr. Joan Riddiman, The Messenger-Press
"... astonishingly real... an educational lesson inside a very good read."
-Ocean County Observer
"Morano does something few writers do. He provides us with a unique perspective - that of the exploited animal. In doing so, he demonstrates just how profound and pervasive humans' effect on the ocean is."
-Roger Rufe, President of The Ocean Conservancy